

‘Thanks so much Julie for connecting with my beautiful Mum, I set the intention at the beginning & I was open & hoping that she would come through. I felt her energetically when you were connecting. You described my mum to a tee & I am working a project that I spent time & energy on for several years, as you mentioned.”

Ali - Online public mediumship demonstration April 2024

"I had my first reading with Julie today, and it was amazing. Julie has a beautiful way of reading. The minute she began reading, I felt a connection to her. Julie has a beautiful soul. She validated that my loved ones are still watching over me and that they are here to support me. Julie brought forward my stepfather, who had a message for me that felt authentic. She validated things that only my stepfather would know. It was truly amazing. Julie’s intuition brought clarity and comfort about situations that are going on in my life right now. Julie carefully chooses her words; her delivery enables the client to see the whole picture and not get stuck on specific aspects of a particular situation. Because of her reading, I clearly understand how to proceed with my business. I am so grateful for Julie’s reading. I highly recommend a reading with Julie. You won’t be disappointed. I can’t wait to book another session with her."

Kelly - USA (Jan 2022)

Julie was our guest medium at our last gathering (spiritual). She had a great connection with spirit, giving significant messages to people. We found Julie to be authentic and patient, with a friendly approach. Her talk very interesting too. We welcome her back on platform anytime.

Sue (Phoenix Spiritual Gathering South Coast