Intuitive Readings

We all have intuition. Some are really tuned into their intuition and follow their own guidance which I think is very powerful.

Self-awareness is a powerful tool that can, if you let it, provide much needed healing, guidance, creativity and comfort to yourself. You really don’t need to look outside yourself for answers. This is easier said than done, trust me I know.

I too look outside myself on occasion, I think I do it for reassurance to prove to myself I actually do know what’s best for me.

In a whole and complete world no one would need to seek guidance from others and rely on their own intuition for answers. This is a world I would love to live in.

"We are all intuitive and capable of finding our own answers in life. Sometimes we just need a little help remembering this!"

Sometimes we seek guidance from others whether it be for reassurance, comfort, or answers. Intuitive readings can provide valuable insight into your life and help you find your own answers. After all, you are a powerful creator who already has the knowledge and wisdom to live a life full of love, wonder and magic, you just need to choose to be this.

Using my intuition, I am able to see things that are unseen, and uncover truths that may be hidden or remain unclear to the conscious mind.

I am not a fortune teller, though my intuition may highlight feelings about what life may present to you in the near future. This is but a snapshot in time, ultimately everyone has free will and choice on how they steer their life.

"Sometimes you don’t realise you need help, until you ask for it!"

How to get the most out of your Psychic Reading

  • come relaxed, with an open heart and mind - be willing to receive the information

  • manage your expectations of what information might come through for you

  • reflect on what you hope to get out of your time with me and focus on that coming into the reading. For example, if you are interested to know about family or relationships, then choose to put your focus on receiving the truth about your family or relationships, whatever is relevant for you now

Most of all, have fun - the lighter and more energy you give to the reading, the more detail and depth of information that will surface


‘Psych’ Nights

Share in an evening of fun and frivolity, explore your intuition and practice on your friends!

We will use a variety of psychic tools to get those creative juices flowing.
You will learn how easy it is to tap into your intuition and have fun whilst doing it.

For groups of up to 8 people.